SouthClimb on WhatsApp


2 días
Experiencia previa en escalada deportiva y vías largas
Todo el año
€ 220

Aprenderás a colocar seguros flotantes, montar reuniones, técnicas de progresión avanzada en artificial y muchas otras habilidades.

El curso de escalada clásica está dirigido a escaladores con experiencia en escalada deportiva que deseen iniciarse en el mundo de la escalada tradicional. Te abrirá un nuevo y completo abanico de posibilidades y te dará la confianza para afrontar nuevos desafíos, con la tranquilidad de contar con todas las herramientas necesarias para progresar en tus proyectos.

Escalada clásica
Escalada clásica


- Material de escalada clásica

- Técnicas de progresión en vía clásica

- Reuniones flotantes

- Caídas sobre seguros móviles

- Progresión básica en artificial

- Abandonar una vía con seguros móviles

- Rapel con seguros móviles

Curso de escalada clásica.
Curso de escalada clásica.


€220 por persona

Precio curso privado 

Precio por persona
1 persona €450
2 personas €225
3 a 4 personas €220

* El curso se realiza con 2 personas mínimo y 4 personas máximo. Descuento del 5% si vienes con un amigo/a.

Incluido: Servicio de guía de escalada, seguros de Rc y Accidentes, todo el material de escalada clásica, asesoramiento pre y post actividad

¿Tienes dudas o consultas acerca de este curso? Ponte en contacto con nosotros y resolvemos todas tus dudas.


Nos puedes contactar via email a o por teléfono al (+34) 645 432 307. O rellenando el formulario de contacto en el siguiente link.


Reseñas de clientes

(Translated by Google) Santi is a great professional and passionate about climbing. I took the rock climbing course as a beginner and at all times I felt safe. It was a very funny experience. I have been left wanting more, so I will repeat again with them!
(Original) Santi es un gran profesional y apasionado a la escalada. Realicé el curso de escalada en roca siendo principiante y en todo momento me sentí segura. Fue una experiencia muy divertida. Me he quedado con muchas ganas de más, así que repetiré de nuevo con ellos!

– Nicole Morales

(Translated by Google) Very nice. Punctual and also aware of you at all times. I will repeat
(Original) Muy agradables. Puntuales y además pendientes de ti en todo momento. Repetiré

– Raquel Liaño

(Translated by Google) 100% recommendable. I signed up for the climbing fear management course and the experience has been entirely positive. In addition to the psychological part, we also work on more technical and practical aspects that I am sure will help me progress as a climber. Santi is an attentive and kind teacher who transmits experience in each of his actions. A luxury to learn from him.
(Original) 100% recomendable. Me apunté al curso de gestión del miedo en la escalada y la experiencia ha sido del todo positiva. Además de la parte psicológica, también trabajamos aspectos más técnicos y prácticos que estoy seguro me ayudarán a progresar como escalador. Santi es un profesor atento y amable que transmite experiencia en cada una de sus acciones. Un lujo aprender de él.

– Igor Ariz

(Translated by Google) Santi, the instructor, is perfectly in charge of creating a relaxed and safe environment in order to acquire the necessary climbing knowledge. It was just what we were looking for. I recommend it 100%.
(Original) Santi, el instructor, se encarga perfectamente de crear un ambiente relajado y seguro para poder adquirir los conocimientos necesarios de escalada. Era justo lo que estábamos buscando. Lo recomiendo al 100%.

– Carlos Cabrera

(Translated by Google) Very good experience. Very clear in the explanations and seriousness in the security issue. All the content was addressed to be able to scale with autonomy
(Original) Muy buena experiencia. Mucha claridad en las explicaciones y seriedad en el tema de seguridad. Todo el contenido quedó abordado para poder escalar con autonomía

– Sergio Martinez

(Translated by Google) I love Santi, he knows what he teaches. He dominates the subject, he pressures you to understand it and, above all, he is aware of all the details. He is there at all times, I don't know how he does it. If you really want to learn this is your Guide... I recommend it a thousand and especially if you have some internal fears to solve. You will never feel unprotected. Always with care and love. Safe laughs. A thousand recommended if you don't believe me go to any course you want with him and you'll want to continue learning your test and you won't be wrong. For my top!!!!
(Original) Me encanta Santi, Sabe lo que ensena. Domina el tema, te presiona para que lo captes y sobre todo esta pendiente de todos los detalles. El esta en todos los momentos no se como lo hace. Si quieres aprender de verdad este es tu Guia.... Lo recomiendo mil y sobre todo si tienes algunos miedos internos que resolver. Nunca te sentiras desprotegido. Siempre con mimo y amor. Risas seguras. Mil recomendado si no me crees ve con el a algun curso el que quieras y querras seguir aprendiendo tu prueba y no te equivocaras. Para mi top!!!!

– Jessenia Nieves

(Translated by Google) Totally recommended for everyone. Undoubtedly the best way to learn all the theory and technique starting from scratch, safely. Santi you are a crack!! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and entering a new world to discover 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
(Original) Totalmente recomendable para todo el mundo. Sin duda la mejor forma de aprender toda la teoría y técnica partiendo de cero, de forma segura. Santi eres un crack!! Gracias por compartir tus conocimientos y adentrarme en un nuevo mundo por descubrir 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

– Alba Expósito Sánchez

(Translated by Google) My 12 year old son and I (50) did the rock baptism. I have no climbing experience. It was great. Santi very attentive and friendly at all times. It gave us a lot of security. It adapts perfectly to the level of each one and encourages you to improve yourself. Without a doubt, totally recommended! Thank you very much for everything Santa!
(Original) Hicimos el bautizo en roca mi hijo de 12 años y yo (50). Yo sin ninguna experiencia en escalada. Fue genial. Santi muy atento y simpático en todo momento. Nos dio mucha seguridad. Se adapta perfectamente al nivel de cada uno y anima a superarte. Sin duda alguna totalmente recomendable! Muchas gracias por todo Sant!

– I MA

(Translated by Google) I did an initiation course with Santi and it was amazing, I learned a lot and I had a great time, super nice at all times and above all very concerned about safety. As soon as I can I will sign up for more activities! I highly recommend it!!!
(Original) Hice un curso de iniciación con Santi y fue una pasada, aprendí un montón y me lo pasé genial, super agradable en todo momento y sobretodo muy preocupado por la seguridad. En cuanto pueda me apuntaré a más actividades! Lo recomiendo a tope!!!

– Cami

Santi is the best climbing guide you can imagine. As a reference, we two are 6a-7a climbers, but we wanted a local guide to help maximize efficiency in a foreign area. He was highly recommended to us by a friend who Santi guided a few months back, and he was as wonderful as described. He takes his role as Guide seriously and comprehensively, from helping you plan ideas for areas to concentrate on, considerations of weather and season, logistics for where to stay and how to get there (he picked us up one day, and we met him in our car another), as well as making himself available to help with any other questions or needs for the trip as a whole (not just the climbing part). Our long chain of detailed texts show how dedicated and sincere he is in wanting to help plan the best trip possible for you. This was highly unique, unexpected, above and beyond, and much appreciated. Before you've even met, he treats you more like a friend coming to visit Spain than a client that he is just doing business with, and that warmth goes a long way and sets him apart from most any other guide I've experienced (i've had great guides in my life, so this just reinforces Santi's particularly special character). Like I really felt like we were friends, and still feel like we are, as he reaches out and keeps in touch still and I really appreciate that relationship. Humanity, sincerity, and kindness in business--what a crazy (wonderful) concept! As a climbing guide specifically: he is consummately professional, impressively knowledgable and safe, as well as comfortingly sensitive to your climbing abilities and needs, and tailors each day with climbs that are perfect for you--if you want to be comfortable or if you want a little/big challenge, if you want to experience highlights of an area by switching up crags in the same day. He knows the areas so well and of course knows how to choose the walls that are in the shade or in the sun for whatever time of day or season you are climbing. There is so much variety and fun for either multi or single pitch too. In addition, when we were all climbed out for the day, he took the opportunity to show us the beauty of the local areas, playing also a photographer and travel guide. He also went home to let us borrow his guide book to other areas that we were headed to later, and kept in touch to make sure the rest of our trip went smoothly. So nice! Here is a person who treats his job as a climbing guide and ambassador for the area with such deep consideration and earnestness, and who treats his role as a human being with exceptional kindness and faith. We are so grateful that he came into our lives as a climbing guide and as a friend. Thank you Santi for being you, and please everyone call him now for any guiding adventures (he travels to guide too!) Also, his rates are so fair and reasonable. And you will be so happy if he is available to take you on an adventure with him! Cheers!

– Courtney Fong Cho