SouthClimb on WhatsApp


Catalonia region
12 hours | 2 days
Sport climbing experience
All year round
€ 180

This course is meant for those climbers seeking to discover the world of big walls and multi-pitch climbs. You will acquire all the skills you need to climb, cruise and enjoy multi-pitch routes safely and with confidence.

Perhaps you've already climbed a couple of multi-pitch routes but would like to be more proficient and improve your safety techniques. Or perhaps you never climbed a multi-pitch and are curious... this course will broaden your horizons and it will allow you to further develop your climbing skills.


- Planning

- Route selection 

- Climbing and belaying on a multi-pitch route with double ropes

 - Manouvers, organization and belay station optimization

 - Gear selection and topo reading

 - How to abandon a route; problem solving

 - Abseiling

The course is carried out in Montserrat or La Mussara. If you'd like to make this course somewhere else, contact us and we'll arrange it for you.


€180 per participant

*The course will have a minimum of 2 participants


Number of participants Price per person
1 participant €360
2 participants €220
3 or 4 participants €180


- Certified climbing guide service.

- Civil Liability and accident insurance.

- Climbing equipment (except for climbing shoes, harness and helmet).

- Assistance on the organization of the trip.

Any questions about this course? Contact us and we'll resolve all your doubts.




Learn everything you need to climb multi pitch routes with safety !!


21 SEP




19 OCT



You can contact us via email at or by phone to (+34) 645 432 307, or by filling up the contact form in the following link.


Client Reviews

(Translated by Google) I did the Initiation Course with Santiago, and it was an unforgettable experience! Dynamic, with a lot of practice. The difficult makes it easy! Then, the Tutored Rock Climbs have been really useful, full of emotion, SAFETY (one of the most emphasized topics). SOUTHCLIMB's work IS excellent, you feel personalized, you have fun while you learn, you get answers to doubts and/or questions very quickly. The routes where you will go climbing have wonderful landscapes !! Full of charm! I super-recommend it!!!
(Original) Hice el Curso de Iniciación con Santiago, y fué una experiencia inolvidable!, dinámico, con mucha práctica . Lo difícil lo hace fácil! Luego, las Escaladas Tuteladas en Roca han sido realmente útiles, llenas de emoción, de SEGURIDAD ( una de los tema que más recalca). El trabajo de SOUTHCLIMB ES excelente , lo sientes personalizado, te diviertes al mismo tiempo que aprendes, las respuestas a las dudas y/o preguntas las obtienes muy rápido. Las vías donde irás a escalar tienen paisajes maravillosos !! Llenos de encanto! Lo súper-recomiendo!!!

– Yris Sanchez

(Translated by Google) We did the initiation course with Santi and he was super useful to get in touch with rock climbing and have all the security measures. The routes that we did were very cool and Santi is a very nice and professional person. Now for the second course!!!
(Original) Hicimos el curso de iniciación con Santi y fue super útil para entrar en contacto con la escalada en roca y tener todas las medidas de seguridad. Las vías que hicimls fueron muy chulas y Santi es una persona muy agradable y profesional. ¡¡¡Ahora a por el segundo curso!!!

– Laia Arnau Bas

(Translated by Google) Santi and the entire team of professionals who work with him are incredible... if I had to choose one word it would be EXCELLENCE. transmits so much security, that you only receive fun and learning. He is warm, human, ready to solve any unforeseen event. Start the day with a guide and end with a friend. He also advises you before the activity, and also after... You can write to him a month later and he will help you buy a harness, or he will give you a discount on climbing shoes. Is incredible. He is very passionate, you can see that despite the 25 years he has been dedicating himself to this, he still has that spark, that enthusiasm, and he transmits it. I honestly recommend it.
(Original) Santi y todo el equipo de profesionales que trabajan con él son increíbles... si tuviera que elegir una palabra sería EXCELENCIA. transmite tanta seguridad, que tu solo recibes diversión y aprendizaje. Es cálido, humano, listo para solucionar cualquier imprevisto. Empieza el día teniendo un guía y terminas teniendo un amigo. Además te asesora antes de la actividad, y también después... Puedes escribirle un mes mas tarde y te ayudará a comprar un arnés, o te dará un descuento en pies de gatos. Es increíble. Es muy apasionado, se ve que a pesar de los 25 años que lleva dedicándose a esto, sigue teniendo esa chispa, ese entusiasmo, y lo transmite. Sinceramente, lo recomiendo.

– Sol Giadorou

(Translated by Google) Great, super complete and special attention
(Original) Genial, super completo y especial atención

– Ismael Francés Belda

(Translated by Google) It was the first time he had done something similar and it won't be the last. it is an experience to repeat
(Original) era la primera vez que hacía algo parecido y no será la última. es una experiencia para repetir

– Jessica Izquierdo

(Translated by Google) We did the Sport Climbing course with Mariano, between Montserrat and Gelida. The course was very interesting, Mariano's treatment was great. Not only did he teach us the necessary maneuvers, but he gave us an extra dose of motivation to keep climbing and learning.
(Original) Vam fer el curs d'Escalada Esportiva amb en Mariano, entre Montserrat i Gelida. El curs va ser molt interessant, el tracte d'en Mariano ha estat genial. No només ens va ensenyar les maniobres necessàries, sinó que ens va donar una dosi extra de motivació per seguir escalant i aprenent.

– Marti Segura Julian

(Translated by Google) A very good experience. Santi has been very clear in all the explanations and has been very helpful in introducing us to the world of climbing. Great, we'll see you in another course for sure!
(Original) Una experiencia muy buena. Santi ha sido muy claro en todas las explicaciones y nos ha sido de mucha ayuda para introducirnos en el mundo de la escalada. Genial, nos veremos en otro curso seguro!

– Adrián Álvarez

(Translated by Google) A highly recommended course. Theory based on practice, which is the best way to learn. 🤗
(Original) Un curs molt recomanable. Teoria basada en la pràctica, que és la millor manera d'aprendre. 🤗

– Gemma Barrabeig

(Translated by Google) Hilario and I turned to SouthClimb to do a long route in Montserrat. In our case, Santiago made us an excellent guide, we recommend him and above all we will repeat the experience. He makes you feel very safe and comfortable on the wall, he explains all kinds of details, both safety and technical details of the track, he is an expert in it. Days before, he gives you all kinds of details and information, adjusting the time of the activity and the necessary material very well. Just thank him and encourage everyone who wants to discover similar experiences, he is a great person.
(Original) Hilario y yo recurrimos a SouthClimb para hacer una vía larga en Montserrat. En nuestro caso, Santiago nos hizo una guía excelente, la recomendamos y sobre todo repetiremos la experiencia. Te hace sentir muy seguro y cómodo en la pared, te explica todo tipo de detalles, tanto de seguridad, como técnicos propios de la vía, es un experto en ello. Días antes te da todo tipo de detalles e información, ajustando muy bien el tiempo de la actividad y material necesario. Solo darle las gracias y animar a todo aquel que quiera descubrir experiencias similares, es una gran persona.

– Miguel Mansergas Collado

This was, without a doubt, an incredible climbing experience - and all because we hired Santi of SouthClimb in Barcelona. He was kind, helpful, considerate, knowledgeable, encouraging, and made this an awesome day of multi-pitch climbing at Montserrat. Highly highly highly recommend him!!!!👍🤗🤩

– Geri-Sue Jacobson