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Subject: Climbing Taster

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+34 645 432-307
Client Reviews

We had an amazing experience with Southclimb. Santi, our guide, was friendly, patient and clear throughout our three days together. He kept things moving at a pace that was ideal for our level of experience, and made sure we were able to cover all the things we were looking for help with. We’re looking forward to coming back in the future for the next steps in our climbing journey. Thanks again Santi!

– Thomas Coleman

(Translated by Google) Wonderful experience at the hands of Santi. What better person to learn climbing, from his experience and professionalism. I would repeat with him without thinking about it, everything is great. Attentive, friendly and excellent treatment. a 10
(Original) Experiencia maravillosa de la mano de Santi. Que mejor persona para aprender escalada, de su experiencia y profesionalidad. Repitiria con el sin pensármelo, Genial todo. Atento, simpático y un excelente el trato. Un 10

– David Rubio

(Translated by Google) Excellent course with Santi. I have done the rock climbing initiation course, a very complete course and ideal for those people who have never rock climbed or who already climb but want to improve. Apart from the great professionalism and confidence that he transmits at all times, I want to highlight the detail of being very aware of each one of us (group of 6 people). It has also taken into account the weather and the sectors where to climb without wind or cold. Very highly recommended!
(Original) Excelente curso con Santi. He hecho el curso de iniciación a escalada en Roca, curso muy completo y ideal para esas personas que no han escalado en roca nunca o que ya escalan pero quieren perfeccionar. A parte de la gran profesionalidad y confianza que transmite en todo momento, quiero destacar el detalle de estar muy pendiente de cada uno de nosotros (grupo de 6 personas). También ha tenido en cuenta la meteo y los sectores dónde escalar sin viento ni frío. Muy muy recomendable!

– Gemma Margarit

(Translated by Google) I did the fear management course and we had a great time while learning a lot. 100% recommendable!
(Original) Hice el curso de gestión del miedo y lo pasamos en grande a la vez que aprendiendo muchísimo. 100% recomendable!

– Joaquim G

Messaged Santi to teach us lead climbing outside as it was our first time. He was very responsive with his communication and we sorted out a day to climb. We climbed at a really scenic location. Santi tought us most of the aspects required to perform lead climbing and was very patient, effective and an all round down to earth person. By the end of the day we were almost competent lead climbers. I would definitely recommend him if you want it learn how to climb or need a challenging route to climb with assistance.

– Inayat Sawatiwal

(Translated by Google) Introductory climbing course 100% recommended! Santi is a great trainer with an excellent focus on safety. He pays a lot of attention to detail and his extensive experience supports him in the super useful advice that he shares in the conferences. And, as if that were not enough, all this with exceptional humor and good vibes!
(Original) Curso de iniciación a la escalada 100% recomendable! Santi es un gran formador con un enfoque en la seguridad excelente. Pone mucha atención al detalle y su amplia experiencia le abala en los consejos super útiles que comparte en las jornadas. Y, por si fuera poco, todo ello con un humor y un buen rollo excepcionales!

– Joan Rodríguez

(Translated by Google) My 12 year old son and I (50) did the rock baptism. I have no climbing experience. It was great. Santi very attentive and friendly at all times. It gave us a lot of security. It adapts perfectly to the level of each one and encourages you to improve yourself. Without a doubt, totally recommended! Thank you very much for everything Santa!
(Original) Hicimos el bautizo en roca mi hijo de 12 años y yo (50). Yo sin ninguna experiencia en escalada. Fue genial. Santi muy atento y simpático en todo momento. Nos dio mucha seguridad. Se adapta perfectamente al nivel de cada uno y anima a superarte. Sin duda alguna totalmente recomendable! Muchas gracias por todo Sant!

– I MA

(Translated by Google) I did the Initiation Course with Santiago, and it was an unforgettable experience! Dynamic, with a lot of practice. The difficult makes it easy! Then, the Tutored Rock Climbs have been really useful, full of emotion, SAFETY (one of the most emphasized topics). SOUTHCLIMB's work IS excellent, you feel personalized, you have fun while you learn, you get answers to doubts and/or questions very quickly. The routes where you will go climbing have wonderful landscapes !! Full of charm! I super-recommend it!!!
(Original) Hice el Curso de Iniciación con Santiago, y fué una experiencia inolvidable!, dinámico, con mucha práctica . Lo difícil lo hace fácil! Luego, las Escaladas Tuteladas en Roca han sido realmente útiles, llenas de emoción, de SEGURIDAD ( una de los tema que más recalca). El trabajo de SOUTHCLIMB ES excelente , lo sientes personalizado, te diviertes al mismo tiempo que aprendes, las respuestas a las dudas y/o preguntas las obtienes muy rápido. Las vías donde irás a escalar tienen paisajes maravillosos !! Llenos de encanto! Lo súper-recomiendo!!!

– Yris Sanchez

Santi cared about my overall experience in Spain as much as providing me a great climbing experience. Since I am an experienced climber, Santi encouraged me to climb hard at the same time as keeping safety top of mind. You cannot ask for a better guide.

– Timothy DiGiulio

(Translated by Google) Great training weekend! So much for what was learned, the dedication and the environment. You have taught us with enthusiasm, with passion and with love! And yes, you have planted a seed!! Thank you very much for your work
(Original) Gran fin de semana de formación!tanto por lo aprendido, la dedicación i el ambiente. Nos habéis enseñado con ilusión, con pasión y con cariño! Y si, habéis plantado una semillita!! Mil gracias por vuestro trabajo😃